Looking for a way to use up all the ground game meat you have in your freezer? In search of a chili recipe that doesn’t include beans? Consider trying this one that was inspired by The Paleo Kitchen recipe book.
Care About The Calling
Hey there, sweet boy. Sure, you sure look cute in that hat; but a cute hat doesn’t make you a cowboy.
And you, my sweet, spirited girl: That’s a fierce face you’re wearing, and good hunting garb to boot. But it takes more than camo and grit to make you a hunter.
Why All My New Year’s Resolutions Will Involve Sitting
Cutthroat Wife
I did something behind my husband’s back, but I’m not sorry.
If You’re Hunting For Love, Try Hunting
A new year is in sight and everyone seems to be on the hunt for love—first love, new love, more love—for the love of all things Hallmarky and romantic . . .
Don’t Sacrifice Our Bellies Just To Save A Buck
Easy Crockpot Venison BBQ
I’m the type of person who likes to have a solid game plan for weekday dinners. On busy days, I rely on the crock pot to save myself from dealing with four family members who become rather hangry if not fed on time. Crockpot venison BBQ is perfect for those kinds of days.
The Tradition of Christmas Joy
Last night I was an envelope lick away from becoming the Grinch who stole Christmas card joy.
It’s Always Hunting Season When You’re A Mom
It never really ends…
What You Get For Hunting
Rifle season is now officially done here and everyone’s asking, “What’d you get?” Here’s the long version.