Guest Blog: Venison Tips for Newbies

Venison tips

I recently had the privilege of writing a guest blog for one of my favorite hunting websites, Ron Spomer Outdoors. Whether you’ve prepared venison before or are a complete newbie, you may find the tips I share in this post helpful, as it covers everything from understanding venison as the unique meat that it is, to successfully cooking with it. Read the full article here: Venison Tips for Newbies.

25 Hiking Snacks That Won’t Weigh You Down

25 Hiking Snacks That Won't Weigh You Down

*This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission at no cost to you for any items purchased via links on this page.

If you’re planning to spend some time on the trail this summer, consider also planning ahead for your fuel. Strong, efficient trekking requires high-energy fuel (a.k.a. healthy hiking snacks) that won’t weigh you down. Continue reading “25 Hiking Snacks That Won’t Weigh You Down”

Gun Tote’n Mamas Concealed Carry Handbag Review (Slim X-Body RFID Purse)

Gun Tote'n Mamas Concealed Carry Purse

The first time I laid eyes on the Gun Tote’n Mamas Slim X-Body concealed carry handbag, there was an instant attraction. Then a Cabela’s sale ad featuring this exact purse arrived in our mailbox and I surmised that . . . it was just meant to be. Let me begin this love story by sharing everything that I adore about it. Continue reading “Gun Tote’n Mamas Concealed Carry Handbag Review (Slim X-Body RFID Purse)”

31-Day Wild Game Meal Plan for Hunting Families

31-day wild game meal plan

As a hunting/gardening family, we eat a lot of self-harvested food. In order to make the most of all our garden veggies and wild game in the freezer, I try to be creative and plan ahead.This 31-day wild game meal plan is geared specifically toward hunter-gather families who want to use their hard-earned food in creative and delicious ways, while saving time and money in the process.
Continue reading “31-Day Wild Game Meal Plan for Hunting Families”

Cold Weather Gear Review – Kuiu Women’s Super Down ULTRA Jacket

Kuiu Women's Super Down Ultra Jacket review

I’ve been wearing the Kuiu Women’s Super Down ULTRA Jacket for a few months now and it has seriously become the only jacket I’ve wanted to wear this winter. Admittedly, I was going to opt for a cheaper replacement when my Patagonia jacket bit the dust; but my husband, a Kuiu devotee, ordered the Super Down for me against my budget-minded will. It turned out to be a great move on his part.
Continue reading “Cold Weather Gear Review – Kuiu Women’s Super Down ULTRA Jacket”