25 Hiking Snacks That Won’t Weigh You Down

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If you’re planning to spend some time on the trail this summer, consider also planning ahead for your fuel. Strong, efficient trekking requires high-energy fuel (a.k.a. healthy hiking snacks) that won’t weigh you down.

What exactly does “high-energy” mean, as it applies to snacks?

Foods that provide sustainable energy⁠—not just an energy jolt that eventually leads to a sugar crash⁠—are thos⁠e that contain a good balance of protein, vitamins/minerals, complex carbs, and fiber (to help those nutrients release more steadily). “High-energy” also pertains to foods that don’t contain ingredients that make your body work harder in the digestive process and end up leaving you with negative energy. Examples of these kinds of ingredients include preservatives, artificial flavors, soy protein isolate, and other “fillers” commonly found in store-bought snacks. Rule of thumb: If you can’t recognize or pronounce something on the ingredients list, better double-check it.

So what are some good snack choices to take with you in the backcountry? Here are 25 of my favorite hiking snacks that also happen to be healthy, lightweight, and non-perishable. They also double as great hunting snacks to throw in your pack when fall rolls around.

Top 25 Hiking Snacks

Store-bought snacks:
best hiking snacks

1. BoBo bars

These are made with lots of hearty oatmeal and come in a variety of fun flavors.

2. Lara bars 

Vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free.

3. Trail mix

4. Maca power chocolate bark

One caveat: This can melt if you’re hiking in the heat.

5. Chocolate covered espresso beans

These can also melt . . . But the caffeine boost (and deliciousness) is very much appreciated during a heavy pack-out.

6. Wasabi peas 

Wasabi peas are so addicting and definitely wake up your mouth! I buy them in bulk at our local health food store.

7. Roasted nuts

8. Whole grain bagels

9. Fruit leather

10. Wild rice sticks

I provided a link in case you’re not familiar with these. If you don’t want to order a whole case, check your local health food store’s bulk section (I buy several pounds at a time⁠—they’re really good!).

11. Dried goji berries

12. Banana chips

13. Coconut chips

14. Fig Bars

15. Peanut butter pretzels

16. Meat sticks

Homemade/DIY Snack Ideas:

Hiking snacks

17. Moose poop balls

These are a staple for every hunting trip. (Don’t let the name throw you off . . . my husband named them.)

18. Granola

There’s a lot of good granola recipes out there, but this one by Yummy Mummy Kitchen is to die for (and yes, if you haven’t guessed already, I’m obsessed with chocolate).

19. Venison jerky

20. Carrot or celery sticks

These veggies will stay fresh for a surprisingly long time. Pair the celery with a packet of peanut butter for a protein boost.

21. Homemade Lara bars

If you’re a Lara Bar fan, try this great homemade version by Beauty in the Crumbs.

22. Apple Slices & Peanut Butter

23. Roasted Chickpeas

24. Custom Trail Mix

25. Homemade Energy Gel with Fruit & Chia Seeds

I hope this list of hiking snacks will be of help as you prepare for your next adventure. If you haven’t already, check out this 10-point safety checklist while you’re in the planning mode, as well.

Happy trekking!

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