Valentine’s Gifts for Husbands and Boyfriends Who Love the Outdoors
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Let’s just cut to the chase, ladies: What boyfriends and husbands really want for Valentine’s Day is time with you. Honestly, it seems like most guys could care less about the holiday (in my experience anyway). But since we ladies usually feel compelled to bequeath them some token of our affection despite this fact, let me just say—the less cheesy, the better. Got a manly man who loves to hunt, shoot, fish, or camp? Here’s my personal ideas list of Valentine’s gifts for husbands and boyfriends who love the outdoors:
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Wild Sausage McMuffin Breakfast Kebabs
For some reason, food is just way more fun to eat when it’s on a stick. Chicken satay, steak kebabs, marshmallows, corn dogs…. So why not breakfast? You can turn almost anything into breakfast kebabs: pancakes, waffles, eggs, ham, fruit, and the list goes on. It’s fun to get really creative with it (and maybe even use up some breakfast leftovers), too! Plus, they’re are a hit with kids. Continue reading “Wild Sausage McMuffin Breakfast Kebabs”
Savory Venison Pasties
Venison pasties are a huge hit with my family. What’s not to love about a rich, meat-and-potato-filled, golden crusted hand pie? And they get to eat the ground venison in something other than spaghetti and casseroles.
A Real Trophy Buck
I filled my deer tag this morning and decided that this buck is a real trophy.
Second Wind
The mundane grows weighty,
like an overused muscle Continue reading “Second Wind”
Gifts for the Sportsman Who Has Everything
*This post may contain affiliate links
As someone who grew up in a hunting home and ended up marrying an avid hunter, I ask myself the same question every year for Father’s Day, birthdays and Christmas: What should I get that he doesn’t have already? When I request hints or suggestions, I always get the same response—hunting gear, of course. So in order to stay fresh and unique in my gift-giving, I compiled this little list of possible gifts for the sportsman or sportswoman who has “everything”. Continue reading “Gifts for the Sportsman Who Has Everything”
Cold Weather Gear Review – Under Armour Base 4.0
When you’re off on a great outdoor adventure, nothing puts a [literal] damper on things more quickly than a case of the chills. Thankfully, with all the high-tech insulating fabrics and clothing styles these days, it’s easy to simply layer up and stay warm during even the coldest months. What’s not easy is deciding which base layers are right for you. Continue reading “Cold Weather Gear Review – Under Armour Base 4.0”
Bulk Savory Venison Breakfast Sausage
Homemade breakfast sausage is so satisfying. Not only do I feel good about eating leaner sausage, but I also feel really good about the ingredients—I know where it all comes from, and there are no added fillers or nitrates in this bulk savory venison breakfast sausage recipe. Continue reading “Bulk Savory Venison Breakfast Sausage”
Dear People Against Hunting (An Open Letter From A Hunting Mom)
Dear people against hunting:
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that you’ve probably never witnessed a chorus of yipping coyotes, ruffling grouse, and bugling elk as you ghosted through the woods.
Continue reading “Dear People Against Hunting (An Open Letter From A Hunting Mom)”