If I were to ask my husband what kind of romantic date he’d like to have on Valentine’s Day, he would respond with his is-this-a-test look, then simply answer, “You”. (I might know, because I might have asked him once.) If you’ve received a similar response from your significant other, then you probably know that it’s all good—love is not dead; people simply have different ways of celebrating and showing it. In any case, love can always benefit from a good stirring. Here are seven ways to romance a hunter:
See also: If You’re Hunting For Love, Try Hunting
Balloon Bouquet
for use as targets. Write love notes on small (1/2″ x 2″) slips of paper. Be as creative, silly, or spicy you like (e.g., “Roses are red, violets are blue, rifles are sweet and so are you”, “Let’s get lost in the woods together”, “Redeem for 20 kisses”, “I’m cooking your favorite meal tonight”, etc.). Fold, then insert into uninflated balloons. Fill balloons with air and hold together with balloon sticks or ribbon. Present to your Valentine and go shooting together. You can set balloons up at different yardages for archery or rifle. Alternatively, you can print off some fun targets to shoot at; or check with your local gun or archery range, as some offer special shooting events for couples.
Box of Bullets
Buy a box of his or her favorite ammo and accompany it with a note that says something to this effect: “To the one who aims for my heart and gets it every time.”

Hunter’s Dinner
Create an invitation for a special night in or out. A night in can look like putting the kids to bed and enjoying some backstrap and bubbly together by candlelight. If you’d rather leave the cooking to someone else, make reservations for a mutually-loved restaurant. Either way, be sure to convey that hunting is on the conversation menu. Even if you are not a hunter yourself, I guarantee that lending a listening ear to whatever hunting plans your significant other has will lead to sweet nothings for you later on.
If your lover is also a lover of chocolate, help him or her bite the bullet (literally) with this sweet gift:
Scouting Outing
Venture out and see what tracks can be found in your favorite hunting spots, or discover new areas to hunt. Get elevated and do some glassing. Side note: There’s nothing dreamier to me than scaling a mountain with my man and stealing a kiss at the top.
Movie Night
Prepare your date’s favorite popcorn and watch hunting shows together.
Hunting Date
Take some time to just hunt and enjoy some outdoor time as a couple. While big game options are limited this time of year, coyotes, cougars, wolves, and rabbits, may be fair game in your state.

What are some romantic experiences you’ve shared with your hunter?
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