I just received a custom knife and leather sheath and wanted to show it off! This gorgeous knife was made to order by local artisan Shannon Plocher of Lovely Knives & Leather as a gift for my husband. Continue reading “Custom Knife and Leather Work by Montana Artisan”
Wild Turkey Mushroom Risotto {Slow Cooker Version}
Spring turkey season is one of my favorite times of year. The grass is starting to green up, the sun feels a little warmer, and the gobblers are really working it, with the toms puffing out their chests and shaking their sexy tail feathers at the ladies. But what exactly does this have to do with wild turkey mushroom risotto, you ask?
Continue reading “Wild Turkey Mushroom Risotto {Slow Cooker Version}”Gun Tote’n Mamas Concealed Carry Handbag Review (Slim X-Body RFID Purse)
The first time I laid eyes on the Gun Tote’n Mamas Slim X-Body concealed carry handbag, there was an instant attraction. Then a Cabela’s sale ad featuring this exact purse arrived in our mailbox and I surmised that . . . it was just meant to be. Let me begin this love story by sharing everything that I adore about it. Continue reading “Gun Tote’n Mamas Concealed Carry Handbag Review (Slim X-Body RFID Purse)”
Five Reasons to Attend a Conservation Group Fundraising Banquet
It’s that time of year when sporting goods store bulletin boards and social media newsfeeds get plastered with fliers and posts inviting you to attend local fundraising banquets for various conservation groups. Here are five reasons why you should go: Continue reading “Five Reasons to Attend a Conservation Group Fundraising Banquet”
Savor The Sweet
Exercise Is Not For Me
I don’t believe in exercise.
Let me rephrase that. The term “exercise” doesn’t exactly make me want to jump out of bed in the morning, and I don’t believe it will ever be the magic word to get me moving. Continue reading “Exercise Is Not For Me”