I just received a custom knife and leather sheath and wanted to show it off! This gorgeous knife was made to order by local artisan Shannon Plocher of Lovely Knives & Leather as a gift for my husband.
Its unique design was inspired by the Scottish sgian dubh—a smaller knife that the Highlanders tucked into the top of their kilt hose (sock). It is said that the sgian dubh was originally used by servants to field dress game killed by the manor lord and his hunting party. These days, the sgian dubh is typically worn ornamentally as part of a man’s highland kilt outfit.
So why, you ask, did I want to give a sgian dubh to my husband? Well, my other favorite pastime besides hunting happens to be highland dancing. Since my daughter is a competitive highland dancer as well, we attend a fair number of Scottish events—Highland games, dance competitions, Burns Night dinners, etc. Last year, my husband decided to get his own kilt and hose…thus, a sgian dubh was needed to complete the outfit; however, I have a feeling that he will end up using this knife as more than an accessory.
Traditional sgian dubh handles were made from a piece of antler or horn, so naturally I wanted to use antler for this knife. Shannon found an elk antler to use and carefully crafted it into a lovely handle that includes beautiful brass mosaic pins. He added a high-quality 4″ steel blade and fashioned a gorgeous leather sheath to keep it in. It feels great to hold. It’s heavier than I thought it would be, so hopefully it stays in the hubby’s sock okay when he wears it with his kilt. Either way, this knife is a special one that will undoubtedly be passed on to our son as an heirloom someday.
If you’re in the market for a custom knife and leather work, I’d definitely recommend Lovely Knives and Leather!