A Fishing Story

I have to admit that I snorted when this gem of a photo came up in the set of pics I just downloaded from last weekend’s camping trip.

If you look carefully, you will notice that my daughter is holding a Frozen fishing pole, that there’s a big sucker fish on her hook . . . and that Dad is soaking WET. Why is he soaking wet, you ask?

Well, little Miss E. had just reeled in her fish (with a little help from Dad), when he asked her to just hold it for a sec so he could find his pliers. While I went to grab the camera, Mr. Sucker suddenly decided to fight for his freedom, which gave Miss E. a bit of a scare. She dropped the pole and cried as Mr. Sucker Fish dragged her beloved Elsa pole under a mass of seaweed. Before I even realized what was going on, Dad dived in—with all his clothes on—and swam after that darn thief of a fish.

He eventually caught it, and that, my friends, was the highlight of our trip. My husband earned a Dad of the Year award (in my book), pats on the back from the other fishermen there, and a big hug from his grateful little girl.

Once everyone was done hootin’ and hollering, we had a little talk with Fishergirl. “You know, honey”, I said. “When something’s pulling really hard on the other end and forcing you to the edge, that’s when you have to hold on as tight as you can and stand your ground.”

I hope she remembers this lesson for the rest of her life.

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