Fishing Game for Toddlers

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Our kids love fishing. However, reeling and patience are definitely not their strong suits. I realize this is to be expected from toddlers, but I also believe they can do better with practice . . . and maybe a little fishing game fun.

To help prepare the kids for our next fishing venture, we’ve been doing some practicing at home. I thought I’d share this little activity in case other parents wanted a fun way to help hone their own littles’ fishing and coordination skills!

You’ll need: One fishing pole per child, paper clips (to use as “hooks”), gummy worms and gummy fish.

1. Fasten a paper clips onto the fishing line in place of the real hook and secure a “worm” onto it.
2. Practice casting and reeling a few times on flat ground, then help or have them toss the line over a box or something you can hide behind. (We used the baby gate at the top of our stairs, which I covered with a blanket. An upper deck or even a chair can be used). Get into place, making sure your hands and their hooks are not visible to the one fishing.
3. Instruct them to simply hold the pole steady until they feel a tug, at which point they may start reeling in.
4. Wait a minute or two, then exchange the gummy worm for a fish (or a stick, if you want to be realistic ?). Give a slight tug.
5. They can either eat the gummies as a reward or collect them in a jar.

I’d love to hear how YOU teach your kids fishing and hunting skills! Comment below

Kids fishing pole on Amazon