Hey there, sweet boy. Sure, you sure look cute in that hat; but a cute hat doesn’t make you a cowboy.
And you, my sweet, spirited girl: That’s a fierce face you’re wearing, and good hunting garb to boot. But it takes more than camo and grit to make you a hunter.

Every identity is accompanied by a set of principles and I want you both to know that it’s not how you act or what you wear, but how you live and what you love that defines you.
You want to call yourself a cowboy? Then learn the art of horsemanship, cattle-tending, and ranching. Work hard. Get back up, no matter how rough the ride. Respect the values passed on from cowboys past, like being tough (but not so tough that you can’t help a lady).
You want to call yourself a hunter? Then educate yourself about the animals you wish to hunt. Practice shooting so that you can make a clean shot. Take your conservation support beyond buying hunting licenses and tags. Respect the laws, land, and other hunters. Appreciate the meat that fills your belly. Although you may hear others call hunting a “sport”, know that it was never meant to be a competition.
As your mama, I hope you succeed in whatever praiseworthy passions you end up pursuing. And call yourself whatever you care to, but please care about the calling first.
? Your mom [who cares]