Sometimes a little thrill-seeking adventure in the mountains can turn into a life-threatening experience. My family and I were the unfortunate witnesses of this truth on a recent trip to Utah and were reminded of the importance of preparedness when it comes to outdoor safety.
Continue reading “Ready For Your Next Outdoor Adventure? Ask These 10 Outdoor Safety Questions First”
Balancing Field and Family Time: Tips for Parents of Little Ones
If you’re a mom or dad who hunts, you might look longingly back on the days when you reserved all your vacation time for hunting season and you had the freedom to leave for days on end to scout and hunt. Now that kids are in the picture—and I’m talking about those that are too young to safely handle a firearm, lack the stamina to walk more than a mile on their own, and are unable to remain still and quiet for an extended period of time—it’s not quite as simple to balance field and family time. Continue reading “Balancing Field and Family Time: Tips for Parents of Little Ones”
Moose Poop Hunting Bars {Homemade Energy Bars}
After spending a bunch of money on energy bars last hunting season (and wasting energy trying to find energy bars I really liked), I decided to make it my mission to come up with a homemade energy bar recipe that would prove itself to be both delicious and wholesome.
Continue reading “Moose Poop Hunting Bars {Homemade Energy Bars}”
Five Reasons to Attend a Conservation Group Fundraising Banquet
It’s that time of year when sporting goods store bulletin boards and social media newsfeeds get plastered with fliers and posts inviting you to attend local fundraising banquets for various conservation groups. Here are five reasons why you should go: Continue reading “Five Reasons to Attend a Conservation Group Fundraising Banquet”
Hunting Wives
This meme was inspired by the fact that sometimes we hunters (I feel like the female type, especially) are so optimistic at the beginning of a hunt, banking on fresh backstrap or tenderloin for dinner, that we don’t thaw anything out or make any kind meal plan for when we’re home from the hunt. It’s unfortunate when we come home empty-handed and hungry…
Knives We Love
Inner peace is having a good knife in your pocket and an equally good spare in your pack.
And which knife, you ask, excels at bringing about said inner peace? The one that gets the job done best for you. Continue reading “Knives We Love”
7 Ways To Romance A Hunter
If I were to ask my husband what kind of romantic date he’d like to have on Valentine’s Day, he would respond with his is-this-a-test look, then simply answer, “You”. (I might know, because I might have asked him once.) If you’ve received a similar response from your significant other, then you probably know that it’s all good—love is not dead; people simply have different ways of celebrating and showing it. In any case, love can always benefit from a good stirring. Here are seven ways to romance a hunter: Continue reading “7 Ways To Romance A Hunter”
Sous Vide Venison with Rosemary & Garlic Marinade
Thanks to all the recent mouth-watering posts brought to me by friends and Pinterest, I finally decided to jump on the sous vide bandwagon and give it a try using venison. Continue reading “Sous Vide Venison with Rosemary & Garlic Marinade”
“14-year-old” Girl Harvests Boone & Crockett Bighorn Ram”…. I remember the headline and local TV story well—the big girlish smile that graced the screen and proud-as-punch dad beside her. I was there, but I stood behind the cameras when they filmed. It was her moment, after all. And she—my big sister—had earned it. Continue reading ““14-YEAR-OLD GIRL HARVESTS BOONE & CROCKETT BIGHORN RAM””