Today God brushed away the clouds and snow-filled clouds with his mighty arm and pointed the sun directly at our small valley. Continue reading “Just Keep Climbing”
If I Die Today, Here’s How You Can Love Me Tomorrow
Maybe it was the name I recognized in the Death Notices section of the paper, or maybe it’s the fact that four sweet ladies—all moms of dear friends—have recently passed away. Not sure of the exact trigger, but lately I’ve been thinking about what my eventual funeral will look like. Morbid meanderings. Not my favorite. Continue reading “If I Die Today, Here’s How You Can Love Me Tomorrow”
Tune Out The Noise
I took this photo in Glacier, one of the most gorgeous, serene places in God’s creation.
Lately I’ve been yearning for the calm and quiet beauty of the mountains (can I just go sit in a tree stand now?), because sometimes life just seems so NOISY.
Make Your Best Shots Today
Why All My New Year’s Resolutions Will Involve Sitting
The Tradition of Christmas Joy
Last night I was an envelope lick away from becoming the Grinch who stole Christmas card joy.
Thanksgiving Grace (As Prayed By A Toddler)
“While It Is Yet Night”
“She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household…” -Prov. 31:15
I love this verse because not only does it speak to my hunter’s heart, but it speaks to the heart of every mama who has ever awakened in the pre-dawn hours to nurse her baby. Or pump. Or work a night shift in order to afford groceries. It speaks to the fact that God recognizes us and our efforts to take care of our families. Whether you’re dragging yourself out of bed, up a mountain, or out of a slump, know this: The sacrifices that you make in the dark do not go unseen.