Always Daddy’s Girl

Always Daddy's Girl

I love everything about this picture. I remember feeling so proud of my husband’s bull elk. So proud of the fact that all his time and effort paid off and we would be all set with meat for the winter. So proud of the little camo outfit I finished sewing just in time for our daughter to wear it for pictures with Daddy.

But the look on his face reminds me of what HE was proud of. This guy has had his proud hunter moments; but that look right there is the glow of a dad having his brand new baby girl back in his arms. #alwaysdaddysgirl #throwbackthursday


Teriyaki Tenderloin Recipe for Venison, Elk, or Antelope

teriyaki venison tenderloin recipe - The Hunting Mom

If you’re bored with eating your game meat as steaks and stews (or just looking for a a new recipe), allow me to help a fellow foodie out and arrange a marriage between the wildness of Western Hemisphere game and the sweet pungency of Eastern Hemisphere flavors: Teriyaki Tenderloin. I love making an easy one-pot meal by adding some veggies and cooking it with the Instant Pot! Continue reading “Teriyaki Tenderloin Recipe for Venison, Elk, or Antelope”